First I have to brag about your children! They all LOVE reading! This is my favorite time of the year and sometimes it happens sooner and sometimes it happens later but this class BEGS for independent reading! I love it! :)
This week we are working on inferring. We learned that when we use our schema (all the stuff that is in our heads) and the text evidence (illustrations and words) we infer sometimes without even thinking about it. The best book to kick this off was No David! by David Shannon. I split the kids in small groups, each group had a piece of chart paper, a copy of No David!, and each child had a marker that was their chosen color to work with. Their directions were to read through the book, pick a page to infer what David is doing, sketch that page and write what they infer David is doing.
Here is an example for you: On this page we see that David is writing on a wall. We know that he is writing on a wall because he is standing up and we don't see pieces of paper. We read the words "David's mom always said..No, David! A mom would definitely tell their child "no" if they were writing on a wall.
They all worked so well together!

This is our on-going chart for comprehension strategies throughout the year!

More great news! A box of Scholastic books that I ordered came today! You would have thought is was every one's birthday the way they were excited about this box! They all crowded around and were arguing over who was going to get what book. :)

They were so eager to read that Alex stepped up and was stamping my name in them so that the other students could immediately start reading! Long gone are the days where I would keep them away until I meticulously "put them in the correct basket". oh well..... The fact that they were begging to read makes it all worth it!

The rest of the photos are of our kiddos devouring books!

The growth of a reader is truly amazing when they are given ample time to read. :)