Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24-28 Weekly Learnings

Tomorrow night 6:00-7:30 is our school's Art Night. Every student has art that will be displayed and the book fair will be open for shopping.

Thursday is our class' Book Fair day to shop during our resource time. If you would like to come and shope with your child please meet us in the Library at 12:05. :)

This Week's Learnings are:
Reading: Asking questions before, during, and after reading.
Phonics: the long u , cvce pattern. For example; dude, rude, flute, cute, mute, mule.
Writing: We are using Mo Willems as our Mentor Author. We are creating our own fictional stories.
Math: Subtraction Strategies; I am using the Math curriculum that our county has most recently adopted for next year. I am trying it out and you will see chapter papers come home that they have worked on that day and in their homework packets to complete and turn in with their reading log on Friday.

They still have a Accelerated Reading goal of 20 additional books for these past two months! We will be logging our books this week and deciding on a reward for those who have reached their goal! :) They are all reading maniacs!

Also, if you have noticed we have been using a little different behavior management system. They are earning bonus bucks and will be able to "buy" items with the money they have earned at the end of the month. This is a way that we can include our use of money standard into our day. :) So, if you are out at Target or the dollar store and you see something that you think the kids would love to "buy" please send it in. We are in need of some cool stuff!


Have a great week!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Almon Gunter motivates us today!

Almon is a past USA Olympic athlete in track and field. He talked to our kids today and told them to Dream it, Believe it, & Live it! 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Music in our School

This past Thursday our kids were able to share with their parents what a typical day in Music class is like. I was overwhelmed with the amount of parents that were about to make it at noon to watch and participate in their child's music class. We have 15 students with a parent and some had both parents. Mr. B our music teacher did a wonderful job showcasing their strengths and what he focuses on during their music class. Who knew that our musicality is done evolving at age 8, no wonder I can't sing! It also shows how important music is for our students. The last activity was getting all the kids and their parents to form a large, very large circle and bang on some drums and shake the shakers! Everyone was having a blast and the kids were so excited to show you their rhythm and voices! I for one am so happy to hear the noise they make everyday! Parents, you are truly blessed by these wonderful kiddos and our school is extremely blessed to have one Rock Star of a music teacher, Mr. B!

What a great opportunity!

Our Skype with children's book author Monica Carnesi

For World Read Aloud Day our class was able to meet and skype with Monica Carnesi. She wrote Little Dog Lost, based on a true story of a brave dog named Baltic.
The kids asked her some great questions and I think what we all learned was to not get frustrated when someone tells us that we can improve our writing! :) We have a group of aspiring authors! They are now asking when we can Skype with Mo Willems! Anyone who has connections to making that happen, let me know! :)