Friday, April 5, 2013

Ants in the Library

Since this summer I have done all that I can to keep critters, especially ants from entering the Library...
But, our Book of the Month was Hey Little Ant by Phillip and Hannah Hoose and I decided to allow the ants to visit, but only if they promised to stay in their little Ant Farm, they agreed....

I have been impressed by the amount of writing the students and teachers have done about our little friends. 
Everyone who enters, has to stop and say hello to the ants. 

Along with the Ant Farm, I have a journal for the students to respond in and I also have figures of an ants' life cycle. 

Hey Little Ant is a wonderful book that causes the reader to think a little more about the ant's perspective. Hey Little Ant, how would you feel if I were you? We used this book to also teach Habit #5 Seek First to Understand then to be Understood. Our school focuses on the 7 Habits of Happy Kids, and this year the books of the Month have all had a focus on one habit, which has been a great way to remind us how important these habits are.

I have been wanting to try stations in the Library, and this was a great starter station!