Thursday, February 27, 2014

We are loving Skype!

This week we have had the opportunity to skype with Mrs. Brown (Josh's Mom) 
She read a Skippy Jon Jones book. 
And we also Skyped with Rylee's grandparents who live in Pebble Beach, California. They read Blueberries for Sal. 

The kids have really loved the visits they are getting through Skype. If you or any grandparents would like to Sykpe with us, please send me an email so that we can set it up! 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Inferring short film to do with your family! Not mandatory, but super coolP

We have been learning about inferring and that is when we use our Schema (background knowledge) and the text evidence to make a meaningful prediction. Earlier this week we watched another Pixar short film Partly Cloudy and we discussed what we inferred was happening and hearing the kids talk about what they were thinking was great! Here is another cool Pixar short film with no dialogue, so sit back and enjoy inferring with the family! You might want to pause it and talk several times throughout the film so you don't miss anything while talking and thinking it out. :)

Weekly Learnings for February 24-28

Reading: We are learning that readers need to infer when the questions we have about a text aren't answered in the text. We will be reading How Many Days to America by Eve Bunting and charting our questions, then dig deeper to infer our answers.

Phonics: We will have a spelling test this Friday, they are in the Weekly Homework Packet. We are focusing on Long o, Verbs, and Adjectives.
Writing: We are going to begin learning how to write their opinion and the difference between a fact and an opinion.
Math: We will continue to work on telling time to the hour and half hour, we are also going to be working on adding 3 digit numbers.
Social Studies: We are learning all about school and community rules and why they are important to us. We will also work on our St. Johns County Character Pillars.

I am so very happy that this upcoming week is a full five days with no additional things. :) I love normal structured days! :)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Weekly Learnings for February 18-21

This Thursday is the First Grade Living Museum!  We will not have a spelling test this Friday, so that you have plenty of time for reading and your Living Museum Project.
Reading- Inferring, we are working on knowing what our Schema is and how it helps us to infer unknown words and things that the text doesn't exactly tell us or show us.
Phonics - We will be working on the long o , CVCe words for the next two weeks. Words like; cone, bone, note, tote,
Writing - Informative, we will be finishing our reports on the animal they choose.
Math - Telling time
Social Studies - President's Day

I hope to see you all this Thursday for our Living Museum 9:00-10:00. This is a stop by and browse, you don't need to stay for the full hour unless you want to. :)

Valentine's Creativity at its Best!

Friday, February 14 the kids brought  in a box and any supplies they wanted to use to make their Valentine's Day Box. They were so creative and enjoyed the freedom! below are some photos of their creativity! :)

 These kiddos are wonderful and did a fantastic job cleaning up! I think they had the best Valentine's Boxes at CCE!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weekly Learnings for February 10-14

Reading: We are learning how readers make predictions about text and confirm or contradict their predictions as they read on. 

Writing: Informational writing, how to show what you've learned. 

Phonics: long i with a silent e at the end. Like, bike, site, kite,

Math: telling time 
Please down load the Stop the Clock app on their iPads. 

Monday- Computer
Tuesday- pe
Wednesday- library
Thursday- none
Friday- art

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Parts of a plant

Today we went exploring for plants. Once the kids found their plant, they dug them up wanting to keep the roots. 

We brought our plants inside, we drew our plant and labeled the parts of our plant. 

After they drew and labeled the parts of their plant, they posted to their KidBlog. 
Check them out, these kids are amazing!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February is Dental Health Month

A dentist visited us today to remind us to take care of our teeth!

Brush, floss, rinse with floride!

Reading Celebration Day

Congrats to our students who reached their reading goal of 20 books read and 20 AR passing quizzes!
Today was their reward for being reading maniacs!

They chose popcorn as their treat! 

They also wanted a complete free day, so they played on their iPads, played with blocks and Lincoln logs and drew pictures!

I think they are ready for their next challenge! 20 more books by April 1st!!!!