Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekly Learnings for January 21-24

Please have your child reading each night and help them take the AR quizzes. Our goal for January is 10 points, which is around 20 books read. If you need any help with AR, please let me know! Most of our students are already close to our goal. They are working toward a Reading Celebration on February 4th if our entire class meets our goal. Remember also that they can use the book to support their choices when taking an AR quiz. I want them to learn how to go back to the text to support their thinking.

Reader's Workshop - Making Meaningful connections and thinking deeper about the characters in the books we love. I want them to focus on a main character: What words would they use to describe the character and what's the evidence in the text that supports their thinking?
Phonics - th & sh digraphs. We will be learning how to read and spell words that begin and end with th & sh.
Math - We will learn how to use a hundred's chart to find a specific number and then to find the numbers that are +1 -1 & +10 -10. Follow this link to watch a you tube video that explains this strategy. Students will then be able to apply this strategy to addition and subtraction equations.
Writing - We will continue to work on our reports on sharks. They have been collecting a lot of facts on sharks and this week we will begin to organize our new learnings about sharks in a way we can share them!
Social Studies - We will learn about Martin Luther King Jr. and how he believed in LOVE and being kind!
Science - This week we will be growing a few things...and learning about the parts of a plant.

Resource Schedule:
Tuesday - Music
Wednesday - Computer
Thursday - PE
Friday - Library

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